Rev 7:9, a project equipping churches to bring Jesus to new ethnic groups, gets its name from Revelation 7:9:
I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. (Rev. 7:9 New International Version)
The FLGA District’s Executive Director of Missions and Outreach, Dr. Peter Meier, and Mission Nation Publishing’s President, Rev. Dr. Robert Scudieri, have formed a committee to help our churches look more like the vision of heaven described in Revelation. Mission Nation Publishing received an $88,000 grant from the National Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) to accomplish this goal.
The Rev 7:9 project will provide resources and coaching to twenty to thirty churches in the FLGA District who want to share Christ with neighbors of other races and cultures. Congregations applying for the Multicultural Church Award may find the project’s bibliography of literature useful. The list is posted on the Resource page.